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Michael Davies, known to some as "The Chupacabra", is the secondary antagonist of Chapter I. He appears in a flashback in Chapter II and had a cameo role as an apparition in Chapter III. He's a teenage boy that had been transformed into a thin, pale creature after being possessed by an unknown demon and locked within a basement for three months.

At two weeks of possession, Michael's hair appeared to be thinning, his eyes were a bright red color, and his teeth appeared to have become sharp. His pose seemed to suggest he had become rather sluggish at that point in time.

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At three months, he was completely unrecognizable. He had become hairless, his eyes were larger, and had an unnaturally wide, ghoulish red smile. Blood profusely seeps from his eyes and mouth, causing him to become anemic with such blood loss. His limbs are constitutively bent due to contracting rickets, a disease that occurred because of being restraint in a dark room for months with no sunlight. Once he broke off his chains, he rapidly crawls on all fours even though he's capable of running; his movements almost making him appear like a four-legged spider. Judging by the report from a Sterling local, he had an unnaturally pale color to his skin. Even though he appears sickly, he boasts raw strength and capable of overpowering anybody.

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It's not clear what Michael was like before his possession. After not only being possessed by a demon, but being trapped under a priest's care, Michael was transformed into a savage creature that took joy in killing and devouring the flesh of humans and animals alike. He had a habit of mocking his enemies by quoting biblical verses and referencing the Bible. He also had the habit of swearing in Spanish, but it's not clear if he already knew the language or picked up on it from the priest's usage.

Although it looks like Michael is having a good time with scurrying about and killing animals, there's secret animation in Chapter I that implies that he's in constant pain. His demon controls the majority of his actions, but the animation shows him shaking his head in pain and crawling solemnly.

On his first day of getting taken into custody, he looks completely normal. This can cause debate whether he was truly possessed or not since his parents could've interpret normal behaviors (or even mental illnesses) as possession. But, as we'll see soon, there's only one credible evidence that he was possessed.

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Some aspects of this biography were taken from "FAITH - TheStorySoFar" .txt file found in the Goodies Folder because it provides some unexplained details.

On this day, a priest named Father Garcia was assigned by Cardinal Gifford, his superior, to exorcise a young boy called Michael. Michael's parents believe that he's been afflicted with a violent demonic possession and were struggling to find somebody to help him. Taking him into custody, Garcia keeps Michael chained on a bed in the basement of his apartment room to keep him and others safe. He takes photographs of Michael with his polaroid camera and dates them so that he can show Gifford and the parents on how Michael is doing and prove that he's unsafe to be released.

Father Garcia has been struggling to exorcise Michael, the demon possessing him is strong and isn't backing down. By day, the possession is putting a serious strain on Michael's body, where his hair is thinning, looks sluggish, teeth sharpening, and his eyes are turning bloody red. Overall, he looks miserable and sickly. Garcia takes another polaroid picture of Michael and intends on showing it to Gifford whenever he's questioned on how the boy is doing.

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Cardinal Gifford has been pressured by Michael's parents to see him since they haven't in a little over a month. While a representative of the Vatican tries to compensate them due to how long it's taking, Gifford mails a letter to demand Garcia to return Michael to his parents; Lightly implying that he will be sent to Rome, where the Vatican is stationed, and get denounced as a priest. Garcia ignores the request and continues taking care of Michael, feeling as if he's too dangerous to be released.

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Sometime before September 20th, it's been roughly three months ever since Garcia has taken Michael under his care. Although he believes he's made great progress with Michael over the past couple of weeks, the demon possessing the boy is taking a heavy strain on the body. Additionally, being kept in a dark room with no light has caused him to suffer from rickets and anemia, likely due to (as we will see soon) continuous bleeding. Garcia feels drained over seeing how much the demon afflicts Michael's body and has been neglecting to take care of his apartment room and himself. He keeps Cardinal Gifford's letter nearby his bed so that he can be reminded on the gravity of his situation. He takes another photograph of Michael, showcasing how unrecognizable he is.

One day, Father Garcia wakes up from his bed and ventures downstairs to check on Michael. In the basement, Garcia tries to ask how Michael is doing, but the demon persists and shouts how his parents will kill him when they'll see what happened to his body. Garcia shakes off the threat and proceeds with an exorcism. Spouting blood, Michael suddenly breaks off his chains and cuts off the lights. Turning them back on, Michael is missing and there's satanic symbols everywhere written in blood.

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Apparently, he took his first chance of freedom to scurry away instead of killing Garcia, probably because he's been chained for so long and likely malnourished. Additionally, Michael's knowledge of drawing satanic symbols is the only evidence that he's possessed by a demon, a demon that originates from a satanic cult called the Order of the Second Death. It's unlikely a holy priest would teach anybody on how to draw symbols.

Walking upstairs to the kitchen, one of the photographs of Michael has strangely disappeared, the only photograph that truly depicted how much the demon has afflicted him. Going back to the bedroom to pick up a clown nose, Garcia steps outside his door and spots Michael eating a bystander.

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Feeling as if somebody's watching him, Michael turns around and smiles right back at Garcia before jumping out of a window, shouting, "I HAVE THE BODY OF A PIG!" Stunned at what he's witnessed, Garcia tries to remain calm and says that Michael cannot run away from God and will face the Almighty. Taking off his priest collar, Garcia attempts to run outside to catch Michael to resume the exorcism, but he's seemingly scurried away into the outskirts of Connecticut.

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This is all speculation, but at some point, Garcia returns back to his room and writes a response to Cardinal Gifford, saying that he cannot afford to release Michael back to his parents. In the letter, he writes that he will attach a photograph of Michael during an exorcism session but it's missing. It was supposed to be the photograph titled, "Three Months", but Michael took it before he ate the bystander. Garcia has no choice but to wait until he gets some kind of evidence as to where Michael could be.

One night, a Sterling local named Cherise Wan spotted what she describes, "a naked white man" crawling like a spider near the woodland of Snake Meadow Hill Road. She contacts the local police about what she's witnessed, believing that it was a human rather than an animal, but they weren't able to locate the person. Her story will then be published to the local news the next day.

In the morning, Wan's encounter was published to the local newspaper. It's never explained here, but a theory as to why Garcia is in Chapter I could be that he read the very same article and realized that Michael is somewhere nearby Snake Meadow Hill Road. Regardless, he plans to park nearby the woodland to look for Michael later that night.

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Hello Freddit , This Is The Part 4 Of The Ucn Roster But With Fan Game Animatronics , Its Finally Finished , There's A Second Page For A Dee Dee Roster /

In the night, Father Garcia parks nearby the road and ventures into the forest to look for Michael. This time, he's not wearing his signature priest collar and has a clown nose with him. A leading theory as to why could be that Michael is especially aggressive towards anybody looking like a priest, probably because of a distain he has against Garcia for locking him up or it's his demon's doing. Since Michael's a young teen, he could be subdued by somebody who looks friendlier, and Garcia can take him back to his basement to resume the exorcism. While Michael targets and eats the wildlife, he mistakes a wondering priest named John as Father Garcia due to his priestly clothes and tries to severe him in half. However, John fends him off with his crucifix, despite trying to disregard the local deer and ambush him in a shed.

After John partly completes his objective in a decrepit house in the middle of the forest, he picks up a rifle in the foyer, tempted to fatally


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